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The Importance of Classical Curriculum

Classical curriculum is something that doesn’t get talked about that much anymore because of how important that Common Core has become when you’re looking at the curriculum that people are using in the classroom. The issue is, there are actually a lot of reasons why people end up using classical curriculum instead — and here are some of the main reasons as to why it is actually shown to be a lot better than some of the other options that are available.

It encourages students to engage with others One issue that a lot of classrooms have is that it’s all about “me me me” and the education of the individual. Classical curriculum does it a lot differently, so instead of being about the individual, it’s about the learning environment and how it can benefit everyone. It helps students to feel comfortable asking people for help and allows them to engage with their fellow students and those around them. It helps to increase sociability and makes sure that those who are in the learning environment don’t feel intimidated or afraid of looking to other people when they need assistance.

It encourages students to engage with the world around them. One thing that classical curriculum does that you can’t find in other types of teaching is that children are encouraged to look at the world around them. This may sound odd, but instead of just being stuck with theoretical things on paper, classical curriculum encourages students to look at the world around them and see how much of a difference that it can make when it comes to their education. They think about practical ways of going about their lives, instead of just talking about how they could possibly do so in the future, maybe at some point.

It gives students control over their own learning experience. Common core forces ideas down the throats of children, even if they aren’t really that enthused about learning about such things. In classical curriculum, it’s very different because children are not only encouraged, but assisted in making a learning experience that is going to be beneficial to them and their needs. By having a learning experience that is more personalized, children learn a lot more and feel more comfortable with what the learning process looks like. And who doesn’t want to see that when their children are in a school environment?

It has been shown to have better results as the children get older. This is, of course, something that we all want for our children during their educational career. We want to make sure that they are getting the most from their education and that they can thrive when they’re put in an educational environment in the future. By having them go through classical curriculum based environments, you will find that they have a much easier time with it and, on top of that, they feel more comfortable with the results. They are given the tools that they need to think critically, which will also help them do better at life in general, especially in the workplace and in college.

So as you can see, there are a lot of different reasons that you may want to consider finding a school that has a classical curriculum model that they use on a regular basis. Are you looking for more information about a school that can help you with all of your needs? Then you will definitely, at the very least, want to take a look at this school to get an idea as to how they can help you.

For More Info : Classical Curriculum

Source : Click Here

Is Early Childhood Learning Vital?

There is a lot of debate about whether or not early childhood learning is vital for the success of children. This is an important question, because the answer will then give you an idea as to how much of a difference it can make when you’re trying to find an early childhood learning program in Lake Forest (or wherever you may be located). There are a number of reasons that research says that early childhood education is vital – here are just a few of them.

It gives your child a head start. There are research studies out there that show that children who have been involved in early childhood education are a lot more likely to get a good head start. They go into elementary school knowing a lot more and they have a much easier time transitioning into the future when it comes to social and emotional maturity. The transition may be a little difficult anyway, but it still gives your child some more time to adapt in a healthy way, and it gives you the peace of mind that you need about them getting started with their education.

It allows you to see possible issues before they go into elementary school. If they’re in an early childhood learning program in Lake Forest, they’re going to be in situations where they get to learn about all sorts of things. By doing that, you will be able to observe those things that you may not be able to notice until they’re in an educational environment. If they seem to have trouble reading or dealing with numbers, or they have attention problems, the teachers can help you to catch that and head it off at the pass when it comes to dealing with it. This can make things a lot easier for you and your child as they get older.

eastIt helps you to see their strengths and encourage those as well. When they’re actually in an environment where they are learning, you can start to see what they’re really good at. How do they learn best? What sorts of tasks do they excel at? Then, at the same time that you’re learning about weaknesses, you can also take the time to learn about and embrace their strengths as well. This gives you balance and it will help your child to feel more comfortable with the learning process as time goes on. Help school become enjoyable early, and your child will appreciate it a whole lot.

Have you enrolled your child in early childhood learning in Lake Forest? If you haven’t yet, and you want to learn more about our program, be certain to give us a call today. Our early childhood learning Lake Forest is up to current standards and we’ve worked hard to ensure that all of the children in our care are given the most opportunities possible. We can’t wait to talk to you and get everything sorted out for your child’s future success.

Source: Click Here

Early childhood learning Lake Forest

In recent years, early childhood education has become essential in Lake Forest and other parts of Illinois -which has led parents to look for places that their younger children can not only learn, but start to thrive. Consequently, a number of schools from around the area have started to offer pre-kindergarten to students 4 years of age who are planning to attend kindergarten the following school year. One school that has expanded its early childhood learning is East Lake Academy, located in Lake Forest, Illinois.
East Lake Academy is an independent, Roman Catholic school that works under the leadership and support of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Your child’s education will be based in Christian principles and morality right from the beginning.  They will be safe and challenged under the care of East Lake’s qualified teachers. With plenty of experience in early childhood education Lake Forest, the teachers at East Lake Academy will help your children to learn more about how faith and learning come together, even at an early age.

East Lake Academy is a private school that offers classes from pre-kindergarten through the 8th grade, so if your desire for your child is to stay within the program throughout elementary and middle school, they have the option to do so. There are tuition discounts and tuition assistance available for those in a variety of circumstances, so if you are concerned about finances, you may be able to get some help. East Lake Academy is currently accepting applications for the next school year.
If you are looking for early childhood education Lake Bluff or you wish to fill out an application, you can go to the East Lake Academy website at ( ; or, if you want to talk to a member of the staff, you can call them at 847.247.0035.

Source: Click here

What are the Tenets of Early Childhood Education?

Early childhood education is a relatively new area of study and, there are a number of different early childhood education opportunities available. What makes it different than, say, primary education, or secondary education? Here are some of the basic tenets of early childhood education.

Helping children to be involved in daily activities.

Daily routine is an important part of life, and many children have one that they are already in, even before they start school. But there are daily activities that children may enjoy, and participate in. By allowing them to be involved in daycare, you’re giving your child the roots of a routine.

Health and wellness education and promotion.

Health and wellness are especially important within the scope of a child’s development. Obesity is a problem and taking proper care of your child with a balanced diet and reducing their sedentary activity matters. Schools are trying to stress healthy eating and exercise a lot more, and starting these activities relatively early makes a difference.


Assisting families to help their children to transition to school effectively.

Families are a huge part of a child’s life, and without their support, the child is not going to be able to transition very well. It is important that families understand what they need to do and why and when they need to do it. Early childhood practitioners come alongside families and give them the tools that they need in order to help their children to succeed by gradually shifting to the new routine.

Early childhood education Lake Forest opportunities are important. The East Lake Academy is a Roman Catholic School that is focused on helping children to reach their fullest potential. Supported by the archdiocese of Chicago, East Lake Academy is accepting applications for next year. You can find more information at their website, at You can also call during regular business hours, at 847.247.0035.

For More Info About Classical Curriculum Visit Us

Source: Click Here

What is The Importance of Early Childhood Education?

Many people don’t understand the importance of early childhood education in Lake Bluff. During their formative years, it’s really important that children receive a hands-on education and learning so that they will be set up for a future of learning. Early childhood learning Lake Forest has become prominent in the past few years, consequently, many universities now offer classes on how to work with children in this age group. There are even dedicated doctorate and master degrees that focus on early childhood education.

Early childhood education programs allow children to interact within their world in a unique and engaging way. Even though some people are concerned that children of this age don’t do well in a classroom environment, they prove that they can thrive if educators work with them correctly. Kindergarten is that last step before a child enters elementary school, where there are drastic changes and adjustments to a more structured classroom.

Socialization can be difficult for some children, especially if they are an only child or they come from a small family with few children. That being said, early childhood education grants children the opportunity to spend time with their peers-allowing them to relate and communicate better. It is recommended for children to go to some sort of school or daycare early in life, because it is truly beneficial.

Early childhood education is also important in childhood development. In raising a child, there is a huge difference between a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old. The development during this time is incredibly quick, and having specialized training for teachers is very helpful. Teachers working with children of this age group will help in adjusting children to the classroom environment.

If you’re looking for your child to have a Christian-based early childhood education Lake Forest  take a look at East Lake Academy. At East Lake Academy, your child will get what they need for their early childhood development at a Roman Catholic, private institution. If you are interested in what is going on at East Lake Academy, or you want more information about the program and how you can apply, go to their website at; or you can call the school during business hours at 847.247.0035.

Source: Click Here