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Early Childhood Education and its Benefits

There are varying opinions and consensuses about the importance of early childhood education. A lot of people have the view that it is extremely helpful for children. Meanwhile, there are those who do not believe a child needs to start schooling at four years of age. However, a lot of parents let their opinion of early childhood education depend on a few bad experiences that were personal or told by someone else. This is unfortunate, because it means that some poorly constructed early childhood education programs can cause parents to neglect their child’s education until a later age.

There are many studies that demonstrate the importance of sending children to daycare or a pre-kindergarten type of school. Kids who spend time at Early childhood education Lake Forest programs are going to have a much easier time handling their behavior. In addition, these kids are known to achieve much higher scores on IQ tests. This shows that while parents teaching their own kids is useful, there is a great value to formal education from a younger age.

Another argument used by people who are against early childhood education is the fact that these advantages may not last very long. For example, a child who starts school at four will learn faster than those who start at age five. However, this increased learning might only benefit the child for a few years, before their peers catch up. However, this is a misconception in some ways. Yes, some of their peers will catch up. But statistically, a child is far likelier to excel throughout their formal education if they start early.

It is also important to remember that an Early childhood education Lake Forest program is not only designed to teach children math and language concepts. These programs are all about getting children to interact with each other in a positive way. Young kids have a hard time socializing, especially if they are used to staying with their parents and not seeing other young people. The first few weeks at pre-kindergarten are tough, but kids can adapt quickly at this age. Within a few months, they will be the ones begging you to take them to their school.

Another vital factor is the quality of the Early childhood education Lake Forest that your child attends. If this program is of a poor quality, the child will not learn. It is impossible for young kids to learn anything in an environment where there are 50 or 60 other students. Teachers can hardly control that many kids, let alone give them instructions. Stick to programs where class sizes and a quality roster of educators is a priority.

There is also some consensus on the fact that children with a learning disability might get a much-needed head start through early childhood education. While they are still going to struggle during their first few years, starting at age four is better than age five or six. The extra year or 18 months gives them a chance to learn material at their own pace, while still keeping up with their peers after a few years. However, the situation is different if a child has a significant disability, and you should consult your child’s doctor and therapist before considering formal schooling.

From a practical point of view, children who start schooling early are far likelier to excel at their studies. They will have a better understanding of math, while also picking up writing and reading comprehension quicker. There is almost never a need to place your child on special education down the road if they were learning from an early age. Statistics also show that those who start their education early have a far lower chance of dropping out in high school.

From an emotional standpoint, children will socialize better if they start schooling early. Sometimes kids who begin school later are at a distinct disadvantage. Other kids might already have made groups and connections with each other. While most young kids are welcoming, it is a challenge getting to know people who already know each other. If your child starts early, these problems are mostly avoided.

Think about the lifelong education of your child. Starting a year early may seem unnecessary right now, but if it helps them in the next 10 to 15 years, it is completely worth it!

Source: Click Here

Making the Daycare Transition Easier For Your Child

Starting daycare near Lake Bluff can be really difficult for your little one and stressful for you as well. So, what can you do to make it easier for both you and your child to get used to the whole daycare thing? Here are some tips that you may want to consider when your little one first starts going to daycare near Lake Bluff and will help youmake sure that the transition isn’t stressful or traumatizing for you and/or your child.

Make sure that you go there a few times to get them used to the daycare. There are plenty of opportunities that you’re going to have when it comes to getting your child used to their daycare near Lake Bluff. You could take them for a trial run, too. Many daycares will have two way mirrors, so it becomes a lot easier for you to stick around while they’re checking things out. That helps to reduce your anxiety and, at the same time, it gives them a way to get used to what the daycare has to offer and what’s going on. If they get too stressed, then you can come in and help them out, too. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Talk to teachers about the way that the day goes and try to work that into your current daily schedule before (and after) they start.Some children have a hard time adapting to the new schedule that a daycare center will have for them. Because of that, you want to make sure that you give them the ability to get used to that schedule before they even go to the daycare for the first time. Talk to the teachers and see what the daily schedule looks like, and try to incorporate that as much as you can into the schedule that you have at home. Then, they’ll have an easier time adapting and it will be a lot less stressful for them, their teachers, and their classmates.

 Don’t let daycare be the first time that they’ve been anywhere without their parents. Make sure that you let them go with various caretakers, without you, from time to time. Leave them with a babysitter or a relative that they feel comfortable with for a couple of hours at a time. Do it at home or somewhere that they are familiar with, then transition to somewhere else later on. That way, they don’t become afraid of abandonment or end up with separation anxiety when you leave them at the daycare. Those little “trial runs” with other trusted people will make the daycare transition easier for you and your child.

Be patient, both with your child and with yourself. Patience is key if you’re getting started with daycare transitions. You may have difficulty leaving your child, and your child may become nervous or anxious about you leaving. Those sorts of feelings are okay, and you just need to acknowledge them and be patient with the amount of time that it may take for you and/or your child to make the emotional adjustment to the new schedule. Make sure that everyone’s feelings are addressed and taken care of properly.Talk to your loved ones about how you’re feeling and, on top of that, make sure that your child can talk to you about how they’re feeling about the change as well. That way, they feel more comfortable, you can get some of your anxieties cleared, and the transition will be much simpler for everyone involved.

Are you looking for a daycare near Lake Bluff ? Then please contact us! We have certified early childhood teachers that have years of experience and will help your children get started on their educational journey without a lot of stress and strain in the process. We can answer all of your questions and give you a good idea as to whether or not we’re the daycare near Lake Bluff that is right for you. Don’t delay – spots are limited, so you want to make sure that you get your child in if we’re the right daycare for your needs and the needs of your child.

Source: Click Here

Teaching Your Children Math

If you’ve been trying to ensure that your children are able to learn math in a way that is going to benefit them, then you likely have been trying to figure out the best way to move forward with teaching them. You may ask yourself, how can I help them to determine the best course of action to learn math without a lot of stress and frustration? Here are just a few things that you can do in order to help your children get a tighter grip on math and how it works.

Practice as much as you can. There are a lot of different skills that your child is going to need to learn, and it will help them to reinforce it if you take the time to ensure that they’ve got a full understanding of what they’re doing. With a Saxon math program in Lake Forest, you’ll actually have a lot of resources that you can utilize in order to practice, and your child won’t have to get incredibly stressed out when they do.
The resources are all available for you and what you need, and you can even work to practice the skills and such that your child is going to be learning alongside of them.

Don’t let them slack off (too much) during the summer months. Did you know that research says that a child loses about a month or so of learning when the summer hits, because they aren’t in school and engaging with all of the different materials that they may have been during the school year. So, during the summer months, find fun ways to allow your children to be engaged with the material. Are they going to be playing games on the computer or console? Get games that can help them to become more engaged with math curriculums.

Talk to them at the grocery store and ask them how they can figure out tax or other mathematical things. Ask them about various concepts that they may have learned so that they can keep them fresh in their mind during the summertime. You may also even consider getting them into a summer program where they can learn more about math (and other educational endeavors) during the
summer months.

Consider getting a tutor to assist them. If your child seems to be having difficulty with math, and you aren’t sure how you’re going to take care of it, then you probably have some questions that need to be answered as well. You could hire a tutor to come and assist you with whatever you may be working with.
Work with the teacher(s) in order to see what they suggest. Your teachers have a lot of knowledge and a lot of training that they have under their belts. Because of that, they should be one of the best and most important resources that you consider working with when it comes to getting help for your child with math. Ask them what they suggest and how you can learn how to adapt to their specific learning styles.

On top of that, you also want to make sure that they know about the potential issues that your child may be having with math so that they can take the time to learn more about your student and to sit down and help them if they need them to.

These suggestions are just a few of the suggestions that can help your child to feel more comfortable with everything related to learning math. If you are looking to find a system that teaches Saxon math in Lake Forest, make sure that you give us a call today. Our Saxon math Lake Forest program is comprehensive and can play a significant role in your child’s mathematical progress. Contact us today so we can help give your child the best Saxon math education in Lake Forest today.

To know more about  Daycare in Lake County Visit us…

Source:Click Here

Finding the Right Daycare

When you’re working with your children, you want to make sure that you’re going to be able to find a program that is going to fit their style of parenting. There are a lot of places where you can get daycare in Lake County, so it’s important that you know how to get the right one for your child(ren) and their particular needs. Here are just a few tips that you can use to find the right daycare in Lake County.

eastLook for a Daycare that uses the System of Education that You Want.

There are so many different ways that schools teach children that it’s hard to figure out which way you want to go about it. Talk to parents and professionals to figure out the differences between all of them. Then, talk to the various daycares to see how they go about dealing with your child’s education. That way, you know what’s going on and you have a say in it as well.

Look for a Daycare where the Staff is Friendly and Cares About Families.

You want to be certain that your children feel safe, right? And you want to make sure that your concerns are heard as well? Then actually go to the daycare and observe. See how the staff works with children and with the parents. Get a feel for how staff members communicate with you and with the children. If you don’t feel like your children are going to feel comfortable in the environment, or you worry about how the staff is going to influence your child, then you may want to look at another daycare. An unfriendly daycare is not anywhere that you would want your child to be.

Find a Daycare that Fits in Your Budget and Your Schedule.

This takes some research on your part as well. You want to make sure that the daycare is affordable and that you don’t have to mess up your schedule in order to make sure that the kids can get picked up. Talk to them about their program, see if there is financial assistance (if you need it, of course) and then make some decisions. This part should be the last step, because the first two steps are a tad bit more important in the big picture, but at least consider this idea before making a final decision.

This may take you a littlebit of time to do, but when your child’s education and future are part of what you’re looking at, it can give you a lot of confidence and assurance when you find a daycare that is going to fit their needs and yours. Contact our daycare in Lake County today to learn about everything that we have to offer, and we’ll help you to get started with whatever it is that you need helpwith. We can’t wait to help your child to achieve their goals and for you to get the help you need in caring for them.

For More Info  early childhood learning Lake Forest Visit Us.

Source: Click Here

My Experiences with Classical Curriculum

When I first had children that were ready to go into school, I had a lot of things that I had to consider. One of them was that I had to figure out what type of educational experience that I wanted my children to have. After a bit of research, I decided that I wanted to work with a school that used a classical curriculum as the basis of their teaching methods. Here are a few of the things that I experienced with my children in a program that used classical curriculum.

It’s Simple to Understand.
Some curriculums go right over your head. It may be difficult for you to figure out what is going on, or they may be more complicated than you would really want it to be. That being said, a classical curriculum is a lot easier to understand than many of the other types of curriculum that are out there for you to deal with. The lessons are straightforward and it doesn’t really take a lot of time for you to be able to get an idea as to what you’re doing and taking care of when you’re working with a classical curriculum.

It Gives a Natural Progression of Learning.
Learning is all over the place with some curriculums, but with classical curriculums, you have a lot more natural progression when it comes to understanding what is going on. It takes some time to do, of course, but that doesn’t mean that your child is going to end up feeling lost when it comes to dealing with this form of education. In short, it goes with the natural progression of the mind and it will help you feel a lot more at ease when it comes to learning. You don’t want your children to get stressed out unnecessarily, so a classical curriculum can make that a lot easier.

It is Used So Frequently that You Can Talk to Others About it Easily.
A lot of schools use a classical curriculum, so it’s easy to talk with professionals and other parents about what the curriculum entails. On top of that, it’s also very likely that it’s what you experienced when you were in the education system as well, so you will have a very good idea as to how it works and what you can do to make it better (or easier) for your child as they’re going through their educational process.

Have you decided to go with a school or daycare that uses classical curriculum? Or are you trying to find one that is using it? Then you’ll want to check out the daycare center that I utilize. They have a great program and have done everything that they can to ensure that you’ve got what your children need to succeed. Contact them today for more information and to get an idea as to what they can do to help you out.

For More Info Classical Curriculum preschools Visit Us.

Early childhood learning Lake Forest

In recent years, early childhood education has become essential in Lake Forest and other parts of Illinois -which has led parents to look for places that their younger children can not only learn, but start to thrive. Consequently, a number of schools from around the area have started to offer pre-kindergarten to students 4 years of age who are planning to attend kindergarten the following school year. One school that has expanded its early childhood learning is East Lake Academy, located in Lake Forest, Illinois.
East Lake Academy is an independent, Roman Catholic school that works under the leadership and support of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Your child’s education will be based in Christian principles and morality right from the beginning.  They will be safe and challenged under the care of East Lake’s qualified teachers. With plenty of experience in early childhood education Lake Forest, the teachers at East Lake Academy will help your children to learn more about how faith and learning come together, even at an early age.

East Lake Academy is a private school that offers classes from pre-kindergarten through the 8th grade, so if your desire for your child is to stay within the program throughout elementary and middle school, they have the option to do so. There are tuition discounts and tuition assistance available for those in a variety of circumstances, so if you are concerned about finances, you may be able to get some help. East Lake Academy is currently accepting applications for the next school year.
If you are looking for early childhood education Lake Bluff or you wish to fill out an application, you can go to the East Lake Academy website at ( ; or, if you want to talk to a member of the staff, you can call them at 847.247.0035.

Source: Click here

What are the Tenets of Early Childhood Education?

Early childhood education is a relatively new area of study and, there are a number of different early childhood education opportunities available. What makes it different than, say, primary education, or secondary education? Here are some of the basic tenets of early childhood education.

Helping children to be involved in daily activities.

Daily routine is an important part of life, and many children have one that they are already in, even before they start school. But there are daily activities that children may enjoy, and participate in. By allowing them to be involved in daycare, you’re giving your child the roots of a routine.

Health and wellness education and promotion.

Health and wellness are especially important within the scope of a child’s development. Obesity is a problem and taking proper care of your child with a balanced diet and reducing their sedentary activity matters. Schools are trying to stress healthy eating and exercise a lot more, and starting these activities relatively early makes a difference.


Assisting families to help their children to transition to school effectively.

Families are a huge part of a child’s life, and without their support, the child is not going to be able to transition very well. It is important that families understand what they need to do and why and when they need to do it. Early childhood practitioners come alongside families and give them the tools that they need in order to help their children to succeed by gradually shifting to the new routine.

Early childhood education Lake Forest opportunities are important. The East Lake Academy is a Roman Catholic School that is focused on helping children to reach their fullest potential. Supported by the archdiocese of Chicago, East Lake Academy is accepting applications for next year. You can find more information at their website, at You can also call during regular business hours, at 847.247.0035.

For More Info About Classical Curriculum Visit Us

Source: Click Here

What is The Importance of Early Childhood Education?

Many people don’t understand the importance of early childhood education in Lake Bluff. During their formative years, it’s really important that children receive a hands-on education and learning so that they will be set up for a future of learning. Early childhood learning Lake Forest has become prominent in the past few years, consequently, many universities now offer classes on how to work with children in this age group. There are even dedicated doctorate and master degrees that focus on early childhood education.

Early childhood education programs allow children to interact within their world in a unique and engaging way. Even though some people are concerned that children of this age don’t do well in a classroom environment, they prove that they can thrive if educators work with them correctly. Kindergarten is that last step before a child enters elementary school, where there are drastic changes and adjustments to a more structured classroom.

Socialization can be difficult for some children, especially if they are an only child or they come from a small family with few children. That being said, early childhood education grants children the opportunity to spend time with their peers-allowing them to relate and communicate better. It is recommended for children to go to some sort of school or daycare early in life, because it is truly beneficial.

Early childhood education is also important in childhood development. In raising a child, there is a huge difference between a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old. The development during this time is incredibly quick, and having specialized training for teachers is very helpful. Teachers working with children of this age group will help in adjusting children to the classroom environment.

If you’re looking for your child to have a Christian-based early childhood education Lake Forest  take a look at East Lake Academy. At East Lake Academy, your child will get what they need for their early childhood development at a Roman Catholic, private institution. If you are interested in what is going on at East Lake Academy, or you want more information about the program and how you can apply, go to their website at; or you can call the school during business hours at 847.247.0035.

Source: Click Here